The Day the US Legacy News Media Broke My Heart
Today is the day I truly understood and accepted that the legacy news media in my country despises my 11 year old daughter and wants to do her harm, along with every other child in America.
In 2020, I woke up to the realization that the American News Media had been corrupted. I’d never watched a Trump speech. Quite frankly, I couldn’t stand listening to the man. During the pandemic I didn’t have much of a choice. I turned on the president speaking on one of the news channels (I can’t even remember which one) and listened to the entire speech. As he was speaking, the ticker at the bottom of the screen was projecting phrases he had not said. I watched as people took screen shots of those phrases later and shared them all over social with accompanying messages that were blatant lies. That day was the day of my awakening to the world I was really living in.
But this piece isn’t about that day. I wanted you, my reader, to know that I am under no delusion that our media is honest. I’ve seen them lie for political gain for quite some time. I’ve seen them collude with elected officials to put out stories. I saw them lie through their teeth during the pandemic. I’ve seen them propagandize, slander and mislead. I’ve seen them go to war with Trump for six years. I listen to Michael Malice, ok? I get it.
But today is the day they broke my heart.
Today is the day I truly understood and accepted that the legacy news media in my country despises my 11 year old daughter and wants to do her harm, along with every other child in America, and have thrown away every bit of decency and integrity they had to protect the people who want to cause it.
For the past week, I’ve been witnessing a drama unfolding on Twitter. Billboard Chris, Libs of TikTok, Christina Buttons and others began sharing videos made by Boston Children’s Hospital explaining the gender services for patients. These included videos about vaginoplasties, mastectomies, puberty blockers, and phalloplasties.

Every time videos like this are exposed and shared, it horrifies most people because most people living in this country have no idea how deep gender ideology goes, if they even know of it at all. They might hear people say things about pronouns or see a lot of rainbows at Target and know something is going on, but they truly have had no idea how deeply corrupted our pediatric medical institutions and providers have become. It’s shocking. It’s maddening. To listen to a pediatric surgeon explain how they will turn a healthy girl’s vagina into a makeshift penis-looking extremity using skin grafted from a young person’s arm as you are looking at the words “Children’s Hospital,” is a dystopian horror that’s too much for most people to take.
Trans activists that have been raised in this ideology from public school to university and then into their careers where their job is to talk about this all the time have NO understanding how morbid and evil this sounds to regular people. It comes out of nowhere for most people - “wait a second, we are talking about doing WHAT to WHO? Why? What’s going on?” It took me a full year of far too much research to have a framework of understanding gender ideology, but most people are mostly ignorant (as they should be in a normal, upright world) so seeing videos like this is jarring and deeply upsetting.
These viewers have children, as I do, that are of this prime target age, as I do. The thought of my daughter’s healthy body mutilated and carved up in the hands of these so-called medical providers under the lying term of “gender affirmation,” as though it’s a positive thing, sickens me to my very soul.
Many people decided to call the hospital to relay their disgust (and given what’s going on there, I’m sure there were strong words used). They took to social media to condemn and shame the hospital for doing this to children. Any normal person who isn’t a sociopath or a psychopath would think this was the most sane and rational response to doctors doing these things to healthy children.
But these trans activists and ideologically-captured medical providers that live in a ideological world not based in reality didn’t see these reactions that way. They saw it as an attack. To be more concise, they saw it as a far-right attack, because the Overton Window has shifted so far left that anyone who has strong opinions about cutting off the healthy breasts of a teenage girl that she will never get back is now “far-right.”
At the same time, a separate Twitter drama was unfolding when it was discovered by Libs of Tik Tok and Matt Walsh that a prominent trans activist has been running an illegal hormone drug pushing scheme online to send children prescription puberty blockers and hormone treatments for free via Instagram.
These activists began a smear campaign against all of these people who dared question them. Why? Because over the past several years, this has been very effective for them pushing their agenda and steamrolling their dissidents. Regular people would speak out against gender ideology without realizing the aggressive snake pit they were stepping into. The activists would start biting and strangling instantly, before the person even realized what was happening. In the past year, the people speaking out against gender ideology are much more prepared to handle the potential fallout. They know the risks they are taking but do it anyway because the safety of children is too important.
They immediately begin the social media smear campaign, calling the sharing of the videos that this hospital made a “stochastic terrorism campaign against Boston Children's Hospital.” A stochastic terrorism campaign. Then, they had Politifact issue a fact-check on what Libs of Tik Tok posted along with the video:

Then, Boston Children’s Hospital began quietly changing their website, which the Post Millenial’s Christina Buttons (who originally wrote on the story) quickly commented on:

What came next is what broke my heart. NBC’s Brandy Zadrozny and Phil McCausland wrote this story.

Anti-trans activists have reached a new nadir (the lowest point in the fortunes of a person or organization) targeting children’s hospitals and doctors.
The article’s headline and byline state: “Boston Children’s Hospital warns employees over far-right online harassment campaign. The hospital became the target in recent weeks of activists who made a variety of false claims about its treatment of young transgender people.”
Far-right. Harassment campaign. False claims.
At this point, my heart sank because I realized this article wasn’t going to have an honest word to say about the real tragedy and horror of this story. It was going to be yet another article I had to read about how trans activists and activists masquerading as medical providers were the real victims in this story.
NBC does not care about me as a parent or as a human being worthy of their dignity. In fact, along with the other legacy media outlets, they’ve spent the last two years regularly telling me that I’m a far-right extremist, I’m a terrorist, I’m a fascist AND a Christofascist. Now, after reading this article, I know that they want harm done to my child.
What other conclusion am I supposed to draw when the people who should be reporting on this massive scandal being done to our children are now flagrantly running damage control and defense for the people inflicting the scandal on our children? 10 minutes ago, I would have learned this breaking news story of hospitals performing castration and mastectomies on healthy children FROM NBC. In fact, the legacy media would have been rushing to be the one to break it first. Now, I have to get news that pertains to the safety of my child through a social media account called Libs of Tik Tok because the media has been so corrupted and ideologically captured that it has no idea who the bad guy is in this situation?
This article - it broke my heart. It made me distrustful of legacy media in a way I haven’t been before. The ideology bubble these people are in, the complete lack of self-awareness, the lack of understanding of how regular people feel about anything, ever. They are devoid of any sense of right or wrong. They don’t even know what “harm” means anymore. And the editors continue allowing them to write garbage like this article - why? Sometimes, it’s too much to bear that I’m living in a world with people in positions of power like this who literally despise me and the feelings I have about anything.
I just want the dishonesty and the lies to stop. Is that too much to ask? Or is our society already too far gone for that? The answer, as I see it, is yes, they are.